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I have a teacher who has 2 students needing to do virtual auditions, but she signed up all her students at one time under my district.  She has already paid.  I'm trying to figure out if I can change the districts myself. Thanks!

1 Answer

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You are probably referring to the Alabama system, right?

Yes, it's possible. 

  1. Log in as chair
  2. In the chair menu (black bar on top) switch to the district the students are currently registered for (there is a dropmenu on the top left to select the district or event)
  3. Click on Scheduling -> All registrations
  4. Find the student and click the blue ID number below the student's name. That will show you the details of the registration
  5. Click "edit". This will direct you to the registration form
  6. Click next in the first screen. 
  7. You will see a box with the District in the second screen. Select the correct District (see snapshot below)
  8. Keep going through the form until you get to the last screen and click Save
  9. That's it!
by (4.3k points)